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Player: 945 Guild: THE SYNDICATE Title/Rank: Consigliere Level: 92.90 (Rank 30) Economy: 5,497 Account: Free Account Age: 3,360 Days | Xareth, disciple of battle, sims in Drako for his friends. Awards and Decorations: ▀▄▀░░▀▄▀ -->Hero And Defender of Mongo medal Comander Killz: Clyde Xara (Tactical 3) Chi Argus (Defense 4) Kim Leo (Tactical 4) Alvin Argon (Tactical 10) Dion Vulcan (Production 10) Sang Kripton (Construction 9) Bruce Zulu (Production 9) William Aries (Construction 13) Naoki Sien (Construction 9) Wen Nagol (Research 8) Capital ships destoroyed: Battleship : 26 Dreadnought : 9 | |
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